What is Visual Acuity

Visual acuity test is used to determine whether you can read the smallest letters or images on the standardised chart ( Snellen ) held 6 meters.

Why is it important to test visual acuity?

Visual acuity test is an important part of an eye care examination. Your optometrist will determine there is change in vision or an eye health problem like glaucoma. Hence, it is important visit your optometrist for visual acuity test regularly.

How to test visual acuity?

Visual acuity test can by done an optometrist or other health care providers, whether in an office or elsewhere.

Steps for visual acuity test:

  1. Remove your eye glasses or contact lenses and stand or sit 6 metres from the visual acuity chart.
  2. Cover left eye with an occluder, read out loud the smallest line of letters or images you can see on visual acuity chart.
  3. Cover the right eye, repeat step B.
  4. For illiteracy especially children, numbers or pictures are used on visual acuity chart.

Visual acuity test is essential for children eye care development, especially to detect myopia. Myopia control option like orthokeratology ( Ortho-K ) is recommended by optometrist after first onset of myopia.

visual acuity test and chart