Want to prevent myopia?

Spend more time outdoors with your kids.

Evidence is emerging that spending more time outdoors can protect against the onset of myopia, the effect of near work and the effect of parental myopia and possibly slow the rate of progression of myopia. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) report, a child needs to spend time outdoors more than 2 hours to reduce the risk of myopia progression. Find out more about advantages about bringing your children out in the sun!

1903 students from 6 primary schools in Guangzhou, China were involved in a randomised trial conducted between October 2010 and 2013. 952 school-aged children were encouraged to spend 40 minutes outdoor activities each day, outside their classrooms. 951 school-aged children continued their indoors routine.The rate of myopia significantly slowed down with the addition 40 minutes of outdoor activity over the 3 years in the intervention group. Spend more time with your kids under the sun to fight myopia. Read theĀ full article.

More outdoors. Less myopia.