Visual Distortion

What is Visual Distortion? Visual distortion is corneal thinning condition that results to keratoconus, astigmatism, and myopia. Visual distortion might deteriorate vision and inhibit the ability to read or drive. What is the test to determine visual distortion?...

Visual Acuity

What is Visual Acuity Visual acuity test is used to determine whether you can read the smallest letters or images on the standardised chart ( Snellen ) held 6 meters. Why is it important to test visual acuity? Visual acuity test is an important part of an eye care...

What is a Tonometry Test?

What is tonometry?  Why a tonometry test  is important to eye care? The health of our vision changes as we age. Once we reach 40, it is not uncommon for eye problems to arise. Presbyopia, or age- related long-sightedness, is common even for people with prior perfect...

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP)

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lens for Myopia Control and Orthokeratology ( Ortho-K ) History of Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lenses Rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses were first introduced in the late 1970s, actually a newer technology than soft...

Multifocal Eye Glasses

Multifocal Eye Glasses- what are they and do I need them. Multifocal eye glasses and contact lenses are mainly used for presbyopia, a condition that inhibit us to focus near tasks as we age. Your optometrist will give a proper diagnosis and best treatment option if...

Eye Glasses

Why do we call prescription lenses as “eye glasses”? How eye glasses were invented? Reading stones acted like eye glasses were discovered around 1000 A.D. They were developed to help monks with presbyopia in reading and writing, by using convex shaped...