Inconvenient truth about myopia.

Can #eyeglasses, #contactlenses and #lasik help to resolve myopia? The inconvenient truth about myopia is it can be corrected by eye glasses, contact lenses and Lasik surgery but NOT the underlying cause: the elongation of the eyeball ( axial length) that light focuses slightly in front of the retina, instead on “right” focus.

When the eyeball elongates, deformation stretches and thins the inner parts of the eye. In severe cases, it increases the risk of retinal detachment, cataracts, glaucoma and even blindness.

As the eye grows throughout childhood, myopia generally develops in school-age children and adolescents due to high visual demands in school. About 20% of university-aged people in East Asia are high myopia ( ie. 600 “degrees”, clinically termed as 6 dioptres) , 50% of these high myopic adults are expected to develop irreversible vision loss. Read the full article.