Sweat it out #children to relax eyes.

Have you ever advised by your #optometrist to look out of the window at the patch of grass to relax your eyes? 

Only spending outdoors can relax eyes.

2015’s World Health Organisation (WHO) scientific meeting reported only spending time outdoors could delay the onset of #myopia and might reduce myopia progression. One of the scientific reports reviewed children spend more than two hours daily have lesser risks of myopia progression, despite both parents are myopic. The children could continue to perform near work if sufficient time outdoors are spent.

Why spending time with #children_outdoors is important? Scientists suspected it could be due to release of dopamine from retina ( from the stimulation of light outdoors) slows down the myopia progression.

Dopamine, also called “motivation molecule” is a major brain chemical that provides us with positive thinking, boosts confidence and drive us to a greater achievement.

These are the what dopamine can do to #yourchildren:

1.#yourchild will can plan his/her homework without your reminders.

2. Your child feels accomplished when any work is done.

3. Your child likes challenges.

4. Your child feels thrilled and excited in his/her work.

5. Your child feels rewarding when he/she achieves something in life.

Spend time outdoors with your children if you notice these following symptoms:

1. No motivation in school.

2. Always feels tired.

3. No interests in anything he/she does.

4. Does not like to interact.

5. Always have poor quality of sleep.

6. Always throw tantrums.

7. Unhappy at all times.

8. Difficulty in recalling at he/she learns recently.

9. Always have difficulty to complete his/her homework.

10. Likes to complete work until the last minute.

Author and photo source by #SG optometrist, Chua Yee Leen.